a play on words...Combining the specialty of Tani - UNDERwear, with our love of animals, especially DOGs. In English, the word "underdog" is often referred to the weaker party, the less fortunate in the society.
everyone loves an underdog...is the charitable arm of Tani Japan. Proceeds from the sale of this collection will go to fund projects that raise awareness and offer financial help to the underprivileged.
Project Partner
Dog Shelter, Tokyo, Japan
Sales proceeds (after deducting production cost) from the Underdog project in Japan will go to fund Tokyo-based Dog Shelter <dogshelter.jp>
Dog Shelter was founded by Mrs Mina Kataoka in 2006. The small organization is run by volunteers only. Every dog they take in undergoes thorough medical check and home fostering before being matched to their new permanent home. Every prospective dog owner and their home are also vetted by the team.
Dog Shelter has re-homed over 900 dogs in the Kanto and Kansai area. Only 2 dogs have ever been returned to Dog Shelter following their formal adoption, testament to Mrs Kataoka and her team's serious and thorough work.