SportMesh 提花腰帶 Midway 平口內褲

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  • 這款平角內褲採用先進的吸濕排汗網布面板和雙層支撐袋設計,具有卓越的透氣性和舒適性。
  • 採用 94% 天絲™莫代爾 x Micro Air 和 6% 彈性纖維的耐用混合物製成,提供持久的性能和奢華的感覺。
  • 高科技網布成分,由 62% 天絲™莫代爾 x Micro Air、22% Coolmax® 和 16% 彈性纖維製成。
  • 內縫長 5½ 英吋(14 公分),完美貼合,提供理想的覆蓋範圍和活動自由度。


擺脫那些阻礙你前進的令人沮喪的出汗和擦傷。想像一下,借助 SportMesh Midway Boxer 先進的吸濕排汗技術,您可以涼爽、乾燥且勢不可擋地進行任何鍛鍊透氣網布鑲片讓您保持清爽,而舒適的設計可最大限度地減少擦傷。以極致的舒適度和性能釋放您的潛力。升級您的鍛鍊、實現您的目標並體驗差異。立即將 SportMesh Midway Boxer 加入您的購物車!

Cool and Dry with Coolmax® Technology

Stay cool and dry during any workout with our SportMesh styles. The advanced moisture-wicking mesh panels and Coolmax® fabric ensure superior breathability and moisture management, keeping you fresh and comfortable.

Superior Comfort and Durability

Experience unparalleled comfort with high-quality fibers. The soft fabric prevents chafing, perfect for intense activities. Built to last, thanks to the durable our special blend of finest TENCEL™ Modal and meshed panels, which offer greater strength and resilience compared to other modal fibers.

Fabric Details
  • 溫和的循環
  • 不能漂白
  • 低溫滾筒烘乾
  • 中溫熨燙


Cool and Dry with Coolmax® Technology

Stay cool and dry during any workout with our SportMesh styles. The advanced moisture-wicking mesh panels and Coolmax® fabric ensure superior breathability and moisture management, keeping you fresh and comfortable.

Superior Comfort and Durability

Experience unparalleled comfort with high-quality fibers. The soft fabric prevents chafing, perfect for intense activities. Built to last, thanks to the durable our special blend of finest TENCEL™ Modal and meshed panels, which offer greater strength and resilience compared to other modal fibers.

